Walking Trees and Words Made of Smells (New Story)

2 min read

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As usual, extended nattering to be had in a day or so, but after a bit of fallow, I've a new story out in the wilds.

When I heard Joy Crelin was planning to put Betwixt on an indefinite hiatus, I knew I had to send something in. Joy published one of my first pieces ("At Her Fingertips" in issue #7), and it was a wonderful experience. Joy's fast, professional, and all around lives up to her name. Luckily, Joy liked what I sent her this time, as well.

"Taste of Birdsong" has migrating trees and senses that turn on and off for the season. It has skinspeak and pherospeak and signing. It might also be a story about self-worth and what it means to be beautiful if I did my job right. Plus monsters with multiple mouths because monsters make everything cooler.

Extra bonus points for this story being a first: evil twin Laura Price and I are finally sharing a table of contents! Our evil crazy weirdness has joined forces for Betwixt #11. Is that why “File 29520: Notes from Immediate Aftermath of Attack by New Villain, ‘The Daemon'” is a super-villain story? I won't tell because that would ruin the evil! Go! Witness our power!
© 2016 - 2024 JasonKimble
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